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Quina Baterna

Date a Pisay Girl

Date a Pisay girl. Date the awkward girl who’s more concerned about her next lesson than what to wear to the next party. She’d be more concerned about having an enchanting mind than a pretty face. You have to be ready though, because a Pisay girl can’t stand anyone who she can’t connect with intellectually. She’ll keep you on your toes, randomly blurting out facts about the random things she has been reading, expecting you to share something equally interesting.

There’s a big chance she won’t know how to put make-up on, and for the most part she’ll appear tired and stressed beyond her years. She’ll be simple when you go out, probably in jeans and a shirt. She doesn’t have much time to dress up, but on the few days that she does, don’t be afraid to show her that you appreciate it. It’s probably because you’re very important to her.

She’s used to the pressures of a competitive education, of the life that comes with studying in one of the most prestigious schools in the country. She’ll cry every now and then, over a failing mark or maybe just out of stress. She won’t ask you to, but you should hold her hand when she does, sit next to her and tell her that you believe in her. It would mean more to her than anything else in the world. She doesn’t give up easily. If you don’t give up on her, she won’t give up on you too.

Don’t expect her to wait for you. A Pisay girl didn’t study so hard to be dependent on someone else. She’ll know what she wants in life, and if not, she will probably still be headed somewhere great. She doesn’t need a guy to assure her that she has a bright future. She’ll work hard, and get there with or without you. So if she makes the choice to have it with you, you must be worth it.

She’ll have a drive to go forward no matter what happens in her life, and she’ll be passionate about all sorts of things. Electromagnetic fields, unknown analysis, calculus, programming, web designing, photography, painting, volleyball, frisbee, robotics, art, dancing, and all those things that make her come alive in and outside the classroom. Capture her mind first, and  heart will come in time.

Date a Pisay girl. She’ll inspire you to learn more, experience more, live more. Because simple as she seems, she’ll have a beautiful mind, polished by the intensity of a hardcore education. She’ll see the world through different eyes honed through years of training in science and technology. Let her take you into her world where everything is a question waiting to be answered, and let yourself get lost in it with her.